Thursday, February 9, 2012

Chapter 3 Reflection

I thought that Chapter 3 stressed the importance of the social aspect of language in language acquisition. In this, L1 and L2 are similar in the involvement of social interaction. Linguistic studies always reveals the  importance of Sociology: the study of language within society and how people use it. With L2 acquisition, when contemplating self-teaching through grammar-translation or a form of Audiolingualism vs learning with others and practicing social language skills.

For a assignment in my course last semester, I discussed the aspects of L2 acquisition through translated text (within a classroom or self-taught) vs learning within the L2's culture and society. I spoke of the credibility of translated texts. Languages are unique in the fact that every culture and language group thinks and views worldly matters different. Some cultures put importance on something another culture would deem trivial. Keeping this in mind, we can understand how some translations are not easy to make or understand. There may be a translated equivalent, but more often one word or phrase has to be described in a learner's L1. With this, knowledge of the L2's culture and society would greatly benefit a L2 learner and social interaction is one step.


  1. I thought that chapter 3 was very interesting on how people process a second language and also the differences on how younger people and older people process a second language. Teachers today who teach a second language to students have many tools now for their students to achieve fluency in the target language that they are teaching. As social creatures, we find out that learning a second language must have that social aspect and a cultural aspect as well so that the learner would grasp the second language more. It is this holistic approach that students will gain the most of the second language that is being taught in our school.
    As for the assignment during the class time, it was very interesting because it is better to hear the perspective of other people on the same subject that you are learning. This gives us a deeper knowledge and understanding of the section that is being presented. It is also good to hear examples of lessons being taught in our school system and how the presenters are implementing them in their classrooms.

  2. I enjoyed today's activity because it allowed us to explore more creatively. We visualized the significance of the chapter on the paper and presented to class. The activity promoted collaborative learning.
