Monday, March 12, 2012

Chapter 7 Tests! Tests! Tests!

This chapter focuses on the TESOL's standards and the sources of the academic standards which as educators we should align instruction planning and assessments to meet the varying needs of students with emphasis with second language learners. 

We learn from this chapter that the students can be evaluated on their performance of the standards.  Teachers can choose which standards will be assessed, how standards will be assessed, determine the outcome and which tools to be used.

Assessments are not limited to just paper and pencil answer sheets.  There are other forms of collecting performance. Portfolios are best used to give an authentic representation of the growth in learning.

In my classroom, portfolios are used to showcase student work to parents and if needed any "special" visitors from the district office or any "higher-ups" that may want to see exemplary work which includes writing samples, local formative assessments of reading, language and math. 

In addition to the portfolios, student conferencing is part of the weekly classroom routine to give immediate feedback on assessments and assignments.  Mini-conferences are held with students to go over writing editing and final pieces or his or her overall progress.

Assessments can be helpful to help the students attain success and reach expectations of the standards in all content areas.  This can be achieved with good teaching practices aligned with the national standards meeting the students differentiating needs. 


  1. I'm realizing every day that becoming "a good teacher" is not easy. As a teacher, I have to think about content to teach, methods to apply, students' situation, the teaching environment, national standards and so on.

  2. Portfolios are great for both students and teachers. It's organization and easy access. They are great for readying for assessments and the many requirements in education.
