Thursday, March 29, 2012

Chapter 10 and 11

I really liked the elaboration of storytelling, chants, drama, role playing, etc and how they can help enhance language acquisition in the classroom. On Guam these elements are important in maintaining the Chamorro culture and practices alive in the students. However I think that role- playing and drama should be used sparingly because it is too time consuming for one lesson. I believe poetry and chant to be useful as guides for studying or mnemonic devices to remember key aspects of a subject.


  1. I suppose that younger students would need to understand that not every lesson would be taught through dancing and singing. Poetry and use of written devices remind students of what formal education entails.

  2. I remember that I did chants and drama skits for History of Guam class in Chamorro language. The activities in class truly made my experience of Chamorro meaningful.
