Thursday, February 23, 2012

Chapter 5

Learning to read is an important stage in any language. With English as my L1, I can say that learning to read and learning to love doing so has awarded me the deep interest that I have in language and writing. I am a firm believer in the belief that reading is a vital step to writing well. Reading is similar to learning L1 in the way children learn their L1 by mimicing what they hear in their household and immediate environment. People begin writng in a style similar to the written forms that they are more familiar with. If people read more and different genres and styles, then they can mimic in different forms until they learn how to shape and improve their writing styles.


  1. I like your personal insight and how you incorporated information from the book. Speaking and reading are essential steps to becoming efficient language learners.

  2. Yes I agree with your point that the beginning learners can read different styles and mimic until the develop their own styles.
